Jawana Gabrielski wins Werner von Siemens Price

The IEEE German Chapter price for the best master thesis 2020 was awarded to Jawana Gabrielski for her master thesis “Analyse und Bewertung der Schwarzstartfähigkeit eines Verteilnetzes mit hoher Durchdringung von dezentralen Erzeugungsanlagen am Beispiel der SWW Wunsiedel” (Analysis and evaluation of the black start capability for a distribution grid with high penetration of decentralised generation plants using the example of SWW Wunsiedel) prepared at the ie3 at TU Dortmund. The award ceremony took place during the IEEE PES Workshop in Oktober 2021 in Kaiserslautern.
In her master thesis, Jawana Gabrielski developed an innovative grid restoration algorithm which automatically selects appropriate switching operations while considering dynamic effects as well as connected critical infrastructure. The algorithm was applied to simulate the restoration of the distribution grid of SWW Wunsiedel in Southern Germany.
The IEEE Werner von Siemens Best Master Thesis Award, sponsored by Siemens AG, is the highest award of the IEEE PES Germany Chapter. It is awarded to the best power engineering graduate in Germany of each year. In order to receive this award, the master’s thesis topic has to cover innovative approaches in power engineering and provide exceptional contributions to power system research questions. Additionally, the candidates must have achieved above-average academic performance and convince with their outstanding personality. After nomination by the supervising professor, the award winner is selected each year by the Executive Board of the IEEE PES Germany Chapter according to a series of different evaluation criteria. The prize money is intended to be used to attend an international IEEE conference. (Source: IEEE)