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Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Protection and Automation Lab

In the Protection and Automation Lab, the future requirements for smart grid secondary equipment are investigated, especially in consideration of the change towards a renewable and decentralized electrical energy supply. In this context, various aspects such as the development of algorithms, the conceptual design of engineering processes, the use of data models, communication methods, and protocols, as well as the design of concepts for testing and validation of the protection and control systems, are examined.

For further research about the protection and control systems of the future, prototypical hardware devices and software systems are investigated in a laboratory environment. Own prototypes are developed and set up in terms of hardware to examine theoretical models in their practical feasibility. In addition to an analogue network model, the "Research and test infra­structure for protection and control technology" (FuP-SL) and the system for "Coordinated Measurements for a sustainable and secure power supply" (COMPASS) play a significant role in current research priorities. The heart of these infrastructures is a powerful digital real-time simulator, which enables the simulation of complex network structures in real-time. In this way, hardware-in-the-loop simulations can be performed to test the prototypes and in­no­va­ti­ve algorithms that are built and developed in the research group.


Picture of the compass lab-environment © ie3
