The overriding goal of energy technology and energy industry research is to design technically and economically feasible paths towards a sustainable, secure and economical energy supply. To achieve this goal, research projects at ie3 are designed and worked on. The tasks for bachelor and master theses are based on current research questions and are formulated as a narrowly defined technical-scientific problem. While working on your bachelor or master thesis you will then be part of a team of scientists and students of electrical engineering, information technology and industrial engineering.
Here you can find a list of currently open or suggested theses topics for Bachelor Theses (BT) and Master Theses (MT). If you already have your own idea of a thesis that would fit contentwise to one of our Research Groups, feel free to contact them with your idea directly! In addition, we also supervise external theses, as long as it fits our portfolio of tasks.
Note: Usually theses can be written and submitted either in German or English language, please communicate your language preference with your supervisor upfront!
Distribution Grid Planning & Operation
- MT: Performance inspection of a privacy preserving distributed optimal power flow algorithm using Differential Privacy in distribution grids (D. Sen Sarma) PDF (747 KB)
- MT-Scalable deployment of grid gaming environment using Kubernetes (B.Ravisankar) PDF (437 KB)
- BT: Synthese von Energieverbrauchsdaten von Fabriken und Betriebsmaschinen | Synthesising energy consumption dataset of factories and factory machines (B.Ravisankar) PDF (438 KB)
- MT: Entwicklung einer Grid-Spielumgebung für intelligente Fabriken mittels Reinforcement Learning | Development of grid gaming environment for smart factories using Reinforcement Learning (B.Ravisankar) PDF (436 KB)
- MT: Entwicklung angepasster Standardlastprofile basierend auf realen Messdaten PDF (473 KB)
- MT:Last- und Einspeiseentwicklung im Kontext von Speichern im Westnetz-Netzgebiet (D. Feismann) PDF (104 KB)
- BT/MT: Überblick und Veränderungsbedarf aktueller Netzplanungsansätze und Planungs- und Betriebsgrundsätze im Kontext der Energiewende in Verteilnetzen (D. Feismann) PDF (79 KB)
- BT/MT: Entwurf und Validierung eines Modells einer Wärmepumpe für Brauchwasser im Simulationsframework SIMONA (D. Feismann) PDF (79 KB)
- MT: Development of a methodology for integrating flexibility dynamics to grid operations for optimal grid planning PDF (175 KB)
- BT: Entwicklung von Netzanschlusskonzepten zum Hochleistungsladen von LKW an Autobahnrasthöfen (D. Feismann) PDF (80 KB)
Power System Stability & Operation
- BT: Validierung von Netzmodellen in einem Netzleitsystem PDF (88 KB)
- BT: Creation and Validation of Typhoon models on MATLAB Simulink basis PDF (120 KB)
- BA: Erstellung und Validierung von Typhoon-Modellen auf MATLAB Simulink-Basis PDF (123 KB)
- MT: Comparison of trajectory sensitivity approaches for parameter tuning (S. Liemann) PDF (86 KB)
- MT: Analysis and evaluation of aggregation concepts for decentralized energy generation to enable ancillary services provision at distribution grid level PDF (131 KB)
- MA: Analyse und Bewertung unterschiedlicher Aggregationskonzepte für dezentrale Energie-erzeugungsanlagen zur Systemdienstleistungserbringung auf Verteilnetzebene PDF (135 KB)
- MT: Determining an optimal VPP pool composition based on profit maximization using Reinforcement learning PDF (220 KB)
- MT: Regulatory constraints in pool composition_MT PDF (177 KB)
Students can also proactively contact the Power System Stability & Operation (PSSO) group if they are interested in doing a thesis in the following areas:
- Dynamics and Stability
- Frequency Control
- Curative Congestion Management
- Virtual Power Plant Pool Composition
- Cross-Voltage-Level Power Flow Control
Please contact oliver.pohltu-dortmundde or another member of the group to enquire about currently available topics.
Energy System Design & Transmission Grids
- MT/BT: Allgemeine Abschlussarbeit ESDTG PDF (99 KB)
- MT: Model for the joint Analysis of the Electricity and Heating Sector (D. Kröger & J. Peper) PDF (126 KB)
- MT: Modellierung der Erzeugungsverschiebung im Rahmen des Flow Based Market Couplings PDF (343 KB)
- MT: Optimierung grenzüberschreitender Handelskapazitäten im Rahmen des Flow Based Market Couplings PDF (419 KB)
- MT: Robuste Modelle für die Energieversorgung der Zukunft in der Prozessindustrie PDF (171 KB)
- MT: Robust models for the Energy Supply of the Future in the Process Industry PDF (163 KB)
Optimization and Control
Students may contact the optimization and control team proactively to see if topics are available. Please contact to inquire for currently available topics.
Smart Grid Technologies
- BA: Analyse von Fehlerrichtungsalgorithmen für die Verteilnetzebene PDF (64 KB)
- MT: Grid Situational Awareness in the Era of Inverters-Based Energy Resources Integration PDF (65 KB)
- MT/MA: Development of resilient and dynamic control algorithms to counter cyber-physical events and communication failures on a distribution grid automation platform PDF (97 KB)
- MT/MA: Potential Analysis Grid-Supportive V2G | Potenzialanalyse netzdienliches V2G (M.Esser) PDF (254 KB)
- MT: Grid State Forecasting for future low voltage smart grids PDF (117 KB)
- MA: Netzzustandsprognose für zukünftige Smart Grids PDF (121 KB)
- MA: Validierung innovativer Verfahren zur gerichteten Erdschlusserkennung PDF (64 KB)