
Dynamische, adaptive und flexible Prozesse und Technologien für die Energie- und rohstoffwende
The digitalisation of the energy infrastructure requires an increasing demand for real, comprehensible measurement data from the energy world for efficient dimensioning. While large generation units already have a good data base, thanks to transparency obligations, real measurement data from energy consumers is still largely unavailable. However, this data represents an important basis for innovations in energy system transformation, whether for the creation of smart grids, efficiency measures or business models based on artificial intelligence. This is precisely where the openMeter research project aims to provide the necessary relief. With the establishment of the "Open Energy Meter Data" platform, a web-based access point is to be created to collect and analyse energy consumption data.
Two concrete areas of use (an AI-based analysis for the verification of efficiency measures and a consumption modelling for electricity grid planning), on whose example the added value of the platform is to be examined, have already been defined at the start of the project. Further potential areas of use will be collected within the project framework and new partners will be acquired. If you are interested in testing these new models with us, openMeter will be pleased to receive your contact request or to participate in our stakeholder workshop. More about this here
"With the Open Data platform, we are looking forward to highlighting the white spots in the data landscape and are confident that the project will make a good contribution to filling these gaps with meaningful data sets. This should not only help all participants in the energy market, but also the energy system transformation itself.” Dr.-Ing. Ulf Häger, TU Dortmund.
In terms of data technology, the integration of several thousand measurement time series in the areas of electricity, heating and cooling should be made available. In the course of this, the consortium will also develop, test and implement concepts for anonymisation procedures. This is intended to achieve the perfect balance between a broad, value-added data exchange among all participants and ensuring that no conclusions can be drawn about individual consumers.
The Institute for Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency and Energy Economics at the TU Dortmund University will be responsible for managing the project network and modelling consumption for electricity network planning. The Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM) is responsible for the realisation and evaluation of the use cases based on machine learning methods. The logarithmo GmbH & Co. KG develops the underlying data platform as well as a web-based platform for the provision of data analyses and AI procedures. Discovergy GmbH, the environmental and energy management of the city of Wuppertal and the Energieagentur Rheinland-Pfalz GmbH (EARLP) will support the project by testing the applications and sample data sets as well as defining possible use cases, data protection issues and in testing.
Help us to further drive forward the energy transition and let us reward you as a driver of the energy transition! Simply contact the consortium at contactopenmeterde
Project duration: 05/2020 - 10/2023
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Project Partners
Technische Universität Dortmund, Institut für Energiesysteme, Energieeffizienz und Energiewirtschaft (ie3) | Fraunhofer-Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik (ITWM) | logarithmo GmbH & Co.KG | Discovergy GmbH | Stadt Wuppertal | Energieagentur Rheinland-Pfalz GmbH (EA RLP)