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Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Third Party Projects


Methoden und Analysen für die Auswirkung von dezentralen Prosumer- und Speichergeschäftsmodellen auf Erzeugung und Netz im deutschen Stromsystem

Analytical studies for energy systems show that in the future, energy storage systems will play an important role in balancing demand and generation in systems with a high share of renewable energy. At the same time, private and institutional players in the energy system transformation are interested in the development of storage projects. Many private, but also institutional investors are developing into "prosumers" by generating electricity themselves and (partly) consuming it themselves.

In this project, the influence of prosumer business models, such as pooled electricity storages, on the German energy system will be investigated. For this purpose, combinations of business models and prosumers will be identified in order to investigate the systemic influence on the energy system as well as on the power grids. This will allow an assessment of the expected effects of changes in storage activity on the part of the prosumers and the regulatory framework on the system and vice versa.

  • Project duration: 01/2020 - 12/2022

Project Partners


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