VideKIS – Integrierter virtueller Kraftwerksverbund aus dezentralen Kleinanlagen zur KI- gestützten Erbringung von Systemdienstleistungen
The research project VideKIS aims at the development and evaluation of a virtual power plant, consisting of small-distributed generation units for the provision of ancillary services and an optimal resource utilization.
To achieve this, the project partners research about the market conditions and technical constraints of the considered decentralized generations units, to provide ancillary services such as Frequency Containment Reserve. The virtual power plant is realized by developing AI forecasting algorithms and a virtual power plant operation architecture, as well as simulating and testing the decentralized generators in laboratory, and field test conditions. In the future, a physical demonstrator of these combined functionalities is planned.
adesso | com2m | H&S | Pionext | urban energy