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Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Performance in Smart-Meter-Gateway-Applications

The objective of the project "PISA" is to enhance the capabilities of the intelligent metering system, also known as "Smart Meter" for the requirements of assets with a nominal power of more than 100 kW and an annual energy consumption of more than 100.000 kWh. In this area of the power grid, the requirements for IT-security, data protection, time synchronization, outage security, measurement frequency and controllability of loads and generators are much higher than in the domain of private customers.

In a first step, the project consortium will analyse the requirements for this sector for the power grid and formulate guide lines for the products to be developed. Afterwards, EMH Metering GmbH will develop prototypes of Technology Readiness Level (TRL) five and seven to be tested in the Protection and Automation Laboratory and the Smart Grid Technology Laboratory at the institute ie3. The devices of TRL five will be tested upon functional  requirements, where as the devices with TRL seven will be tested in several energy use cases defined by the BMWK.

Project partners: TU Dortmund University, Hochschule Biberach, EMH Metering GmbH

Further partners: Netze BW, ÜZ Mainfranken eG

Project Duration: 12/2023 - 11/2026


