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Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Project Groups & Project Work

Project Groups (Master's Program in Electrical Engineering & Information Technology or Automation & Robotics)


The goal of a project group is the development of competence for teamwork in solving scientific and technical problems. The students learn to break down a comprehensive scientific problem into smaller subtasks that can be worked on with little overlap. They are able to work on scientific problems in a group within a given period of time and use their individual skills to their best advantage. They take into account the work of other groups involved in the project and take into account unforeseen changes in the project schedule. They can define suitable interfaces and combine the results of the sub-groups into an overall result. You can present the result in a suitable way to a professional audience that is not familiar with the specific problem.

Organizational Information

Which project groups are offered will be announced in time on the department's website. There you will also find an overview of the current registration periods. The registration for a project group is already made towards the end of the lecture period of the previous semester.

Department ETIT: Project Groups

Current Project Groups

  • Smart Trading Agents for Local Energy Auctions, Winter 2024/2025
  • Application of machine learning for earth fault direction indicators, Winter 2024/2025

Scientific Project Work (Bachelor's Program in Industrial Engineering)

The student should be introduced to the independent processing of industrial engineering questions by preparing a scientific project work and presenting it orally. The aim is to introduce the student to scientific work and the critical classification of scientific findings in industrial engineering and management topics. The students are supervised by the chairs and are taught technical and methodological skills. In addition, students acquire social competence in the area of cooperation and the ability to organize work independently.