Virtual IFAC Seminar

Video recordings:
Date: July 8th 2021, 14h00 - 17h30 (CET)
Location: Zoom; no registration is required;; Passcode: 540526
- Timm Faulwasser, TU Dortmund, Germany;
- Karl Worthmann, TU Ilmenau, Germany;
Time (CET) | Title and Speaker |
14h00 – 14h30 | Gradient-enriched machine learning control – Taming turbulence made efficient, easy and fast! Bernd Noack, Harbin Institute of Technology, China |
14h30 – 15h00 | Convolutional autoencoders for low-dimensional parameterizations of Navier-Stokes flow Jan Heiland, MPI Magdeburg, Germany |
15h00 – 15h30 | Three perspectives on data-based optimal control Matthias Müller, LU Hannover Germany |
15h30 – 16h00 | Coffee break |
16h00 – 16h30 | Data-Driven Skill Learning Jan Peters, TU Darmstadt, Germany |
16h30 – 17h00 | A deep neural network approach for computing Lyapunov functions Lars Grüne, U Bayreuth, Germany |
17h00 – 17h30 | On the universal transformation of data-driven models to control systems Sebastian Peitz, U Paderborn, Germany |
This event is the first of a new seminar series organized by the IFAC TC on Optimal control.
About the seminar series:
The CoViD-19 pandemic continues to jeopardize many conference activities. At the same time, all of us have also experienced successful editions of online events. Hence, the IFAC TC on Optimal Control is happy to announce its virtual seminar series comprising 2-3 events per year.
For further details contact:
- Thulasi Mylvaganam, Imperial College London, UK;
- Timm Faulwasser, TU Dortmund, Germany;
Further information: