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Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Research Coordinator

Dr.-Ing. Rajkumar Palaniappan

Work Details

  • Distribution grid automation
  • Controller and Power Hardware-in-the-Loop simulations
  • i-Autonomous - Standardisierung und Integration modular-automer Automatisierungskomponenten in neuartige, intelligente Ortsnetzstationen
  • i-Automate - Modular konfigurier- und prüfbare Automatisierungsarchitektur für zukünftige aktive elektrische Energienetze
  • EOSG - Energieflussoptimierung im Smart Grid mittels intelligenter Netzkomponenten
  • Support of lecture „Betrieb und Aufbau von Netzen (BAN)“ in winter semester 2016 and 2017

  • Support of lecture „Dezentrale und regenerative Energieversorgung (DEV)“ in summer semester 2018

  • Support of lecture „Smart Grids (SG)“ in summer semester 2019, 2020 and 2021


R. Palaniappan, J-N. Ceschlaw, S. Karagiannopoulos and C. Rehtanz: Implementation of Machine Learning-based DER Local Control Schemes on Measurement Devices for Counteracting Communication Failures, 11th IREP Bulk Power Systems Dynamics and Control, Banff, Canada, 2022, DOI: 

R. Palaniappan, et al.,: Experimental Verification of Smart Grid Functions on Real-World Grids using a Real-time simulator, IET-Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Volume 16, Issue 13,  July 2022, p. 2747 – 2760, DOI:

S. Raczka, et al.,: A novel Software Applications Rollout and Monitoring Strategy for Enabling the Transition to Electromobility in future Smart Grids, CIRED Workshop 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2022



R. Palaniappan, O. Molodchyk and C. Rehtanz: A Hierarchical Optimal Power Flow Method for Smart Grids with Field Measurements, CIRED 26th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, 2021

R. Palaniappan, S. Raczka, B. Bauernschmitt, D. Hilbrich and C. Rehtanz: i-Autonomous: Standardization and integration of modular and autonomous components in intelligent local substations, Poster presentation, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, USA, 2021



R. Palaniappan, B. Bauernschmitt, D. Hilbrich, C. Rehtanz: An Intelligent Measurement and Control Device for Active Distribution Grids, ISGT Europe 2020, Hague, Netherlands, October 2020

R. Palaniappan, O. Molodchyk and C. Rehtanz: Hardware Implementation of an OPF Algorithm in a Distribution Network with Decentralized Measurements, CIRED Open Access Journal, vol. 2020, no. 1, pp. 580 – 583, DOI:

R. Palaniappan, M.S. Irshad, C. Rehtanz: Determination of Optimal Flexibility Potential for an Electrical Distribution Network, 16th Energy Innovation Symposium (EnInnov 2020), TU Graz, Österreich, Feb 2020



J-N. Ceschlaw, R. Palaniappan, B. Bauernschmitt, A. Brüggemann, C. Rehtanz: Application of a Dynamic State Estimation Method for a Real-time Simulated Distribution System, Power and Energy Student Summit 2019, Magdeburg, July 2019

J. Valesquez, et al.,: Flexible and Reconfigurable Automation Architecture for Electrical Power Systems, IEEE POWERTECH 2019, Milan, Italy, June 2019, DOI:

R. Palaniappan, A. Funke, D. Hilbrich, B. Bauernschmitt, C. Rehtanz: A robust and resilient voltage control strategy for smart grids using distributed measurements, IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - ASIA 2019, Chengdu, China, May 2019, DOI:

R. Palaniappan, B. Bauernschmitt, D. Hilbrich, C. Rehtanz: Co-ordinated voltage regulation using distributed measurement acquisition devices with a real-time model of the Cigré low-voltage benchmark grid, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Volume 13, Issue 5, 12 March 2019, p. 710 – 716, DOI:



B. Bauernschmitt, R. Palaniappan, D. Hilbrich, C. Rehtanz: Modular Configurable and Testable Automation Architecture for future Active Electrical Energy Grids, 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, September 2018, DOI:

B. Bauernschmitt, R. Palaniappan, D. Hilbrich, B. M. Keune, C. RehtanzModular konfigurier- und prüfbare Automatisierungsarchitektur für zukünftige aktive elektrische Energienetze, Posterbeitrag, 10. ETG-/FNN-Tutorial Schutz- und Leittechnik, Berlin, February 2018

D. Hilbrich, B. M. Keune, B. Bauernschmitt, R. Palaniappan, C. Rehtanz: Hardware-in-the-Loop-Prüfung von kombinierten Schutz- und Leittechnikfunktionen für zukünftige aktive Verteilnetze, Posterbeitrag, 10. ETG-/FNN-Tutorial Schutz- und Leittechnik, Berlin, February 2018



M. Albrecht, W. Horenkamp, R. Palaniappan, D. Hilbrich, B. Bauernschmitt, B. Keune, C. Rehtanz: Decentralized Frequency Stabilization in grids with a High Share of Renewable Energies, ETG Congress 2018, Bonn, Germany, November 2017

A. Spina, R. Palaniappan, D. Hilbrich, U. Häger, C. Rehtanz: Comparison between CHIL simulation and hardware test of a Dynamic Power Flow Controller, IEEE POWERTECH 2017, Manchester, United Kingdom, July 2017, DOI:



R. Palaniappan, F. Richter, B. Bauernschmitt, D. Hilbrich, C. Rehtanz: Implementation and validation of Decentralized Smart Grid Functions using Distributed measurement acquisition devices, 6th IEEE Conference on Power Systems, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India, March 2016, DOI:

R. Palaniappan, F. Richter, B. Bauernschmitt, D. Hilbrich: Implementation of Decentralized Smart Grid Functions using Distributed measurement acquisition devices, Power and Energy Student Summit, RWTH Aachen, Germany, January 2016

Master Theses


S. Zafar, Investigation of smart grid control sensitivities to ICT performance validated by hardware-in-the-loop simulations, laufend 2020 – gemeinsam mit Marcel Klaes

J-N. Ceschlaw, Development of a decentralised control scheme using machine learning algorithms on a measurement device, 2020

C. Shen, Validation of an automation system in the smart grid technology lab using power hardware-in-the-loop simulations, 2020 – gemeinsam mit Alfio Spina

S. Shagufta - Implementation of a model predictive control algorithm on a power quality measurement device and validating it using the real-time simulator, 2020 - gemeinsam mit Sebastian Raczka

M. Sarcheschmeh, Analysis of different distribution networks and validation of a voltage regulation algorithm using distributed measurements on a real-time simulator, 2020

M. Irshad, Determination of optimal flexibility potential considering multiple use cases of a distribution electrical energy network, 2019

S. Tafseer, Development of a methodology to determine the effects of measurement errors on the system state vector, 2018 - gemeinsam mit Florian Rewald

S. Zaidi, Implementation and validation of an algorithm for co-ordinated execution of protection and smart grid functions using a real-time simulator, 2018 - gemeinsam mit Björn Bauernschmitt

S. Sohaib, Extension of a configurator for the automatic configuration of automation systems based on data models according to IEC 61850-6, 2018 - gemeinsam mit Björn Bauernschmitt

A. Llumigusin,  Validation of smart grid functions of an automation system using an analogue grid model, 2018 - gemeinsam mit Björn Bauernschmitt

M. BahakimImplementierung und Validierung eines intelligenten Lernalgorithmus zur Spannungsregelung im elektrischen Energieversorgungsnetz, 2018 - gemeinsam mit Dominik Hilbrich

A.Spina, Real-Time Implementation of a Dynamic Power Flow Controller and Hardware-in-the-loop Testing, 2016 - gemeinsam mit Dominik Hilbrich

Bachelor Theses

O. Molodchyk, Implementation of a hierarchical OPF algorithm on a measurement device and validating it using a real-time simulator, 2020 – gemeinsam mit Sebastian Raczka

J-N.Ceschlaw,  Implementierung und Validierung eines State-Estimation Algorithmus für den Echtzeitsimulator, 2017 - gemeinsam mit Annika Brüggemann und Björn Bauernschmitt

A.FunkeEnhancement and validation of a voltage regulation algorithm for measurement devices with a Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulator, 2017 -  gemeinsam mit Björn Bauernschmitt


Project Groups

i-Automate - Modular configurable and testable automation architecture for future active electrical power networks - laufend, Wintersemester 2019

Testbed for ICT-Based Smart Grid Applications, Wintersemester 2016



Die globalen Entwicklungen der elektrischen Energienetze durch den Einsatz verschiedener Technologien von Erneuerbaren Energien, Sommersemester 2019

Voltage Regulation in Distribution Grids, Sommersemester 2017

Available Theses Topics