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GEE awards "Best Dissertation" to Dr.-Ing. Christian Wagner

Screenshot of Dr.-Ing. Christian Wagners Presentation © GEE
Online presentation of Dr.-Ing. Christian Wagner's disseration
„Integration und Bewertung der Spitzenkappung als Planungsgrundsatz zur wirtschaftlichen Netzentwicklung in Mittelspannungsnetzen“

The annual prize of the GEE - "Gesellschaft für Energiewissenschaft und Energiepolitik e. V." (Society for Energy Science and Energy Policy) for the best dissertation 2020 was awarded this year to Dr.-Ing. Christian Wagner for his dissertation on „Integration und Bewertung der Spitzenkappung als Planungsgrundsatz zur wirtschaftlichen Netzentwicklung in Mittelspannungsnetzen“ ("Integration and evaluation of peak curtailment as a planning principle for economic grid development in medium-voltage grids") prepared at ie3 of the TU Dortmund University. The selection was made by an eight-member jury of scientists from renowned research institutions.

In his dissertation, Dr. Wagner investigated at the level of medium-voltage electrical grids to what extent the possibility of peak curtailment of renewable energies can reduce the need for grid expansion. Among other things, one goal of the dissertation is to work out the added monetary value of integrating peak capping into the planning process at the distribution grid level.

GEE offers experts from the energy industry, politics, associations and science a politically open, interdisciplinary forum for the professional discussion of energy-related topics that promotes the exchange of opinions. The GEE has existed as a non-profit association since 1981. Our approximately 200 members are mainly executives from the energy industry and energy policy, from associations and science.

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