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Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Third Party Projects


Digital Twins for Distribution Systems Operators

In this emerging digital world, digitalisation of energy systems at large has gained utmost priority not only for its ease of use but also for its access and data management at various levels. Since grid assets transmit data in different formats, it is necessary to coordinate the processing of such data formats to be used by applications, such as Digital Twins (DTs). On the otherhand, the need for Single Source of Truth (SSoT) is a must to weed out any irregular and unathentic data.

GridCloud is a multinational project (Austria, Germany and Turkey) focusing on developing energy systems Digital Twins (DTs) and its applications. The primary focus is oriented towards Distribution Systems Operators (DSOs) to leverage the digital technologies and reinforce their grid planning, operation and management. Due to increased global awareness towards sustainability, such a reinforcement in DSOs level also helps with achieving carbon neutral or decarbonised energy systems operations. Additionally, GridCloud aspires to empower DSOs with well-informed decisions to tackle network challenges emanating from the integration of renewable resources and CO2-reducing loads and to champion the adoption of green energy solutions across all energy system sectors, ensuring a secure energy supply. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and data analysis,

DTs, an emerging digital solution, acts as a bridge between the physical real world and the digital virtual world. Several planning and operational scenarios as well as simulations can be worked out through DTs virtual worlds without affecting the real world operation. This serves as a helpful feature to DSOs, as energy systems are complex and highly sensitive to changes. As an example, new installation of renewable energy infrastructures requires careful planning and operational decisions. So far, the approach involves manual planning followed by simulations and then stepwise analysis of results. This is not only a time consuming process, but also prone to errors due to non-real nature of simulations and non-automated.

Project Duration: 03/2024-03/2026

Project Website: GridCloud

Project Partners

The consortium consits of partners from Austria, Germany and Turkey: AIT | GDZ | HBRS | EnergyHUB | | | SWW | SCU | ie3


This project has received funding in the framework of the joint programming initiative ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems’ focus initiative Integrated, Regional Energy Systems with the application number 174039.
