GAMM Activity Group

Important: This website has moved to TUHH. You can find the updated version here.
Dynamics and Control
The GAMM Activity Group Dynamics and Control – i.e. the GAMM Fachausschuss Dynamik und Regelungstheorie – is a working group of GAMM (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik). It brings together members from various fields, spanning from mathematical systems theory, control engineering, nonlinear dynamics, and vibration theory to multi-body dynamics. The focus is on method developments and method application to a wide range of problems from mechatronics, energy systems, robotics, autonomous driving, and aeronautics. The exchange about the different subject areas fosters vibrant discussions and it frequently triggers new research. Moreover, the open discourse helps to bridge gaps between applied mathematics, mechanics, and engineering sciences.
The connecting element is the mathematically sound analysis of dynamical systems and their control. In addition to more classic questions, the analysis and control of dynamical systems via communication networks, the consideration of cyber-physical systems and the fusion of traditional approaches with techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence are of increasing importance in the discussions.
The committee's goals are, in particular, to strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation between mathematics and engineering and to promote young scientists. To this end, the committee organizes half-yearly workshops in which faculty members, doctoral candidates, students, and participants from industry take part. These workshops are a forum to discuss current research results, to respond to trends and new developments, as well as to initiate and to advance joint scientific cooperations.
Currently, the activity group is chaired jointly by
- Prof. Timm Faulwasser (TU Dortmund) Chair for Control,
- Prof. Robert Seifried (TU Hamburg) Chair for Dynamics, and
- Prof. Karl Worthmann (TU Ilmenau) Chair for System Theory
As of April 2022 the activity group has more than 100 members from academia and industry.
The activity group organizes two workshops per year and it coordinates the activities in the Section S20 of the Annual Meeting of GAMM. Details about past and upcoming workshops as well as general news can be found below.