Dr.-Ing. Alfio Spina
Work Details
- Modelling and real-time simulation of distribution grids
- Controller and Power hardware-in-the-loop simulation
- Component and system-level validation of smart grid applications
- DriVe2X – Delivering Renewal and Innovation to mass Vehicle Electrification enabled by V2X Technologies
- IQ Dortmund – Concept design of cross-sector energy supply solutions in Dortmund City
- iResilience – Intelligent urban infrastructures for the resilient city of the future
- Smart Grid Technology Lab (SGTL) – Development of a test environment for smart grid technologies
- Designetz – Solutions, strategies and impulses for the energy system of the future
- Lecturer "Simulation and Testing Methods for Modern Power Systems (STMMPS)", Master Lecture, winter semester 2024/2025
- Lecturer "e-Mobility", part of the lecture "Smart Grids (SG)", Master lecture, summer semester 2024
- Supporting lecture "Smart Grids (SG)", Master lecture, summer semester 2019 and 2020
- Supporting lecture "Dezentrale Energieversorgung (DEV)", Master lecture, summer semester 2018
- Supporting lecture "Betrieb und Aufbau von Netzen (BAN)", Bachelor lecture, summer semester 2017
- M. Esser, S. Orfanoudakis, O. Homaee, V. Vahidinasab, P. P. Vergara, A. Spina, "Paving the Way for Electric Vehicle Mass Deployment: A Dataset of Unidirectional, Bidirectional, and Dynamic Charging Profiles," TechRxiv, 2024, pp 1-10, doi: 10.36227/techrxiv.173202789.91594134/v1
- M. Esser and A. Spina, "Advancing Grid Integration – Insights From an Open Dataset of Bidirectional Charging," Advanced Battery Power und Vehicle-to-Grid, Münster, Germany, 2024.
- M. Esser, A. Spina and C. Rehtanz, "Bidirectional and Unidirectional Charging Profiles of Electric Vehicles," Zenodo, Dec. 04, 2023, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10184777
- A. Spina: "Empowering energy sector coupling: CHIL-based laboratory setup for testing real-time grid operation strategies," RT23 - Real-Time Simulation Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2023.
- Spina, Alfio and Rehtanz, Christian. "Power hardware-in-the-loop testbeds for advances laboratory testing of smart grid applications: Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Testbeds für erweiterte Labortests von Smart-Grid-Anwendungen" at - Automatisierungstechnik, vol. 70, no. 12, 2022, pp. 1034-1046, doi: 10.1515/auto-2022-0084
- O. Pohl, A. Spina, and U. Häger, "Demonstration of Automated Curative Power Flow Control with a Multi-Agent System Using Distributed Series Reactors in a PHIL Simulation," Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 211, pp. 108422, 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.epsr.2022.108422
- A. Spina, C. Aldejohann, U. Häger and C. Rehtanz "Smart Grid Technology Lab: die erweiterte Testumgebung für das zukünftige Verteilnetz," VDE Anlagentechnik (in progress)
- A. Spina, O. Pohl, U. Häger and C. Rehtanz, "A Power-hardware-in-the-loop Setup for Testing Distributed Series Reactors," AEIT International Annual Conference, 23.09.-25.09.2020, doi: 10.23919/aeit50178.2020.9241165
- S. Martinmäki, S. Repo, K. Rauma, A. Spina and C. Rehtanz, "A robust coordinated voltage control in low voltage networks validated through an experimental study - collaboration of an on-load tap changer and a battery energy storage," CIRED Workshop, Berlin, 2020, doi: 10.1049/oap-cired.2021.0067
- L. Specht, K. Rauma, A. Spina and C. Rehtanz, "Autonomous and cost-efficient operation of a stationary battery energy storage in low voltage networks," CIRED, Madrid, 2019, doi: 10.34890/488
- D. Kröger, K. Rauma, A. Spina and C. Rehtanz, "Scheduled charging of electric vehicles and the increase of hosting capacity by a stationary energy storage," CIRED, Madrid, 2019, doi: 10.34890/829
- A. Spina, K. Rauma, C. Aldejohann, M. Holt, J. Maasmann, P. Berg, F. Rettberg and C. Rehtanz, "Smart Grid Technology Lab - A Full-Scale Low Voltage Research Facility at TU Dortmund University," AEIT International Annual Conference, Bari, Italy, 03.10.-05.10.2018, doi: 10.23919/aeit.2018.8577378
- J. Min, F. Ma, Q. Xu, Z. He, A. Luo and A. Spina, "Analysis, Design and Implementation of Passivity Based Control for Multilevel Railway Power Conditioner," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1-1, 08.2017, doi: 10.1109/tii.2017.2747593
- A. Spina, R. Palaniappan, D. Hilbrich, U. Häger, C. Rehtanz, "Comparison between CHIL simulation and hardware test of a Dynamic Power Flow Controller," 12th IEEE PES PowerTech Conference, Manchester, UK, 18.6.-22.6.2017, doi: 10.1109/ptc.2017.7980968
- Z. Allouini, "Entwicklung eines Software-Treibers mit Analysefunktion für einen Power Analyzer zur Erstellung einer Parameter-Wirkungsgradanalyse an einem vollautomatisierten Ladegeräteprüfplatz für E-Fahrzeuge," Bachelor thesis, Sep. 2024
- P. Segbert, "Automatisierung der technischen Präqualifizierungsanforderungen für die Bereitstellung von Regelleistung am Beispiel eines Redox-Flow-Batteriespeichers," Bachelor thesis, Apr. 2024
- H. Steltig, "Analyse und Bewertung der Auswirkungen von V2G-Technologien in Verteilnetzen mit einem hohen Anteil an erneuerbaren Energien," Bachelor thesis, Sep. 2023
- M. Colonna, "Conception, implementation and laboratory testing of real-time grid control strategies with energy cross-sector technologies," Master thesis, Apr. 2023
- M. Müllers, "Aufbau und experimentelle Validierung eines Teststandes für HPC-Systeme," Bachelor thesis, Nov. 2022
- F. Kuhn, “Implementation and validation of control strategies for the flexible operation of distribution networks with energy sector coupling approach,” Master thesis, Apr. 2021
- M. Alkayali, "Implementation and comparisons of Interface algorithms for Power hardware-in-the-loop setups," Master thesis, Jan. 2021
- I. Lezaun, "Design and implementation of a MQTT–based communication interface for a hardware controller of a stationary Battery Energy Storage System," Bachelor thesis, Jul. 2019
- D. Kröger, "Development and Implementation of a Smart Charging Strategy for Electric Vehicles Considering Voltage and Thermal Constraints," Master thesis, Jan. 2019
- J. Spinneken, "Modellierung eines Photovoltaikmoduls auf einem Echtzeitsimulator für netztechnische Untersuchungen von PV-Anlage mittels PHIL Verfahren," Bachelor thesis, Jul. 2018
- S. Eichhoff, "Modellierung und Simulation eines Hochspannungsnetzes mit Impedanzreglern zur Leistungsflussregelung in einer Echtzeitsimulation," Master thesis, Jul. 2018
- D. Schmid, "Konzeptionierung und agentnbasierte Modellierung eines innovativen Netzbetriebs-Agenten unter Berücksichtigung eines regionalen Flexibilitätsmarktes," Master thesis, Oct. 2017